Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm not gonna unless you make me

Coke and Pepsi will discontinue the use of 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) in their beverage manufacturing due to the likelihood of it causing cancer.  Did the two soda giants discontinue this practice after they found out that it is a potential cancer causing agent?  Of course not.  They discontinued to practice after California decided to add 4-MEI to their carcinogens list forcing the companies to either get rid of the ingredient or facing the possibility of having to put cancer warning labels on their bottles.  Well, I guess as long as it happens right? 
courtesy of BBC News

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kite flying isn't what it used to be

From the good people at comes this story about military intervention at a kite festival this past weekend in Austin.
"Uniformed troops from the Texas State Guard were used for the purposes of crowd control during the Zilker Kite Festival in Austin this past weekend, with video showing the troops ordering parents and children to board school buses at the end of the event.
Disturbing footage of the troops controlling the movement of attendees was filmed by Infowars reporters, in addition to a police helicopter circling above. However, the website of the Zilker Kite Festival attempted to downplay the Guard’s involvement as if it was completely normal."

Quite an interesting story.  Military folks are rounding up women and children and busing putting them out of town.   A little unsettling sure but this is not one of those read the headlines tells you the story type thing.  So, this Kite Festival thing is a small and volunteer group that has this festival once a year that is big as heck and need help to oversee it.  Now, you’ve got three options.  Have more people in your kite club which obviously isn’t going to happen. Two, you could HIRE cops to come out and help just let’s be clear, not many cops are just going to volunteer their time at a stupid kite thing knowing they could get 40 dollars an hour at the grocery store.  So #3, national guard people volunteer their time (and are allowed to do this by their superiors cause they are in kind of uniform so I'm sure they need approval) to come and to help out crowd control and crowd wrangle.  Well if you do not have A or B option, then C seems like a reasonable and responsible decision to make to ensure that your crowd of people keep in line.  Now, in the time I come from back before 2001, we could have an event like this and not need security.  We just kind of understood that we were going to a kite event and to chill the fuck out for a few hours and not try to stab anyone around.  Is there a rhyme or reason for that?  Sure, but those reasons number in the hundreds of thousands depending on what human being is experiencing something at some specific time.  We no longer live our lives inside a 15 mile radius.  Every human being truly has an impact on each and every other one.  The slave labor in Siberia (Touch Me).  The suicide workers at Foxconn (find the net story somewhere down below).    It all matters.  My point here is, keep reporting things, Alex Jones but Alex Jones readers and listeners, calm it down and gather a little back story knowledge before you go too crazy.   When we don’t call out the National Guard, no one knows what will happen (Touch Me).

Monday, February 27, 2012

Maps are so lovely

Who wants a map of all the US military bases in the middle east?  How about just those military bases that surround Iran then. Done.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Someone should compile these

With the news that we have already lost 20 percent of the live information created on social media sites for the Libya uprising, (normally you would Touch Me but damn if I can't find this link but unlike some websites who put up broken links pretending like it is a link to a real source when it wasn't, I swear I read it somewhere recently.  how about just stroll through for a few pages.  Sounds like something they would be into and if not, you are still going to see some great stories) it is time for us to really start logging and cataloging information so that when The Man takes things down, we will still have it.  I suggest we start with someone starting a blog maybe that compiles the last paragraph of each news article that might carry a deeper meaning than the headline grabbing topic at the topic.  We could, for instance, start with this little diddy about the invasion of female suicide bombers being dispatched from Yemen (Touch Me).  The article paints the horror story idea that Yemenize (?) females are being sent around the globe (on planes of course) to blow some poor unsuspecting rich country peoples sky high.  Terror Terror Terror.  Red Alert.  What the article also holds is some very peculiar information about another popular "suicide bomber".  Do you remember the Christmas day bomber, Umar Abdulmutallab?  Oh, what a bastard for messing up the birth of our Lord (Touch Me).  Well, some people at the scene, Kurt and Lori Haskell, said that they saw the terrorist before boarding the plane and he wasn't alone (Touch Me) (I don't care it is a wiki link or not. it has sources, use them).  Of course, this was ridiculous and outlandish and all the other words one can lob at another person to ensure everyone thinks they are crazy.  Well, maybe not so crazy after all because at the end of the Female bomber's article is one little throw away paragraph that makes the situation some kinds of murky (Touch Me) (Page 2 last paragraph). Why toss that in there, just hiding there at the bottom?  I know I read to the bottom of every article (insert sarcastic sound here).  
Federal agents also tell they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.
Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab "did not get cold feet."

Things to learn things to wipe from your memory

English scientists claim to have discovered how tigers and other animals got their stripes (Touch Me).  It seems a 60 year old study done by researcher Alan Turing showed in his paper The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis that animal's stripes and spots are caused by the interaction of a pair of chemicals named "morphogens".  
Anyone want some lab meat (Touch Me).  Dutch scientists are using stem cells to create strips of muscle tissue that they hope will be able to grow lab hamburger meat by the end of the year.  Well, that is, if 2012 hasn't swallowed us whole by then.
Let's rebuild a boat (Touch Me).  Archaeologists in Egypt have begun the process of restoring a really old (they say 4500 year old) boat housed in the Pyramid complex.  This is one of two boats found in the area directly beside one of the pyramids.  Some say the boats were placed by the temples (not tombs) to give the dead a way to travel around in the afterlife.  Now, the boat, once completed, will bring lots of tourist eyes to see and continue the tradition of iffy historical data that we all have come to know and love. 
How about a fun little graph about prices and have they have increased since 2000 (Touch Me).  That will sure lift your spirits.  I really like the college one.  That makes complete sense.  Wink Wink.
Sometimes, I feel this way

links today courtesy of The London Telegraph, BBC News, The AP, and Business Insider

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I love tandems

And boy do I have a team for you today.  A few weeks back, a suspicious package arrived at the United Nations in New York.  Come to find out, said package contained two 30 pound bundles of cocaine (Touch Me).  Now that is some kind of diplomatic love.  The package was said to be designed like a diplomatic pouch but apparently, "terrorists" can't do everything right as the package looked amateurish at best (Touch Me).  So, what would one drug story be without the other.  Yesterday, Lebanon officials seized suspicious cargo upon its arrival at the Beirut airport (Touch Me).  The package contained a large cache of american dollars (see China, someone still uses our currency), guns, special passports, and credit cards (that were assumed not to be from a college student that signed up for every credit card offer they got in the mail).  The packages came in as several chests and were delivered by airmail from the United States and Brazil.  Included was also a list of of Lebanon citizens as well as people from the Salafi extremist group.  Well, I guess when TSA runs off all the airline passengers, there will still be a need for some things to fly the friendly skies.  
photo courtesy of makes me laugh
links courtesy of and

Monday, February 6, 2012

Urgh You

It's a finger, not a penis and oh by the way, a penis isn't that bad either.  Body parts.  Body parts.  You make them carry your own personal demon meanings.  You stop that and fingers can go back to being just fingers.  And in case you were wondering if a digit can really be that offense, how about go over to flipthatbird and suck it the fuck up.

UFC 143 Diaz vs Condit

In a battle of street fighters versus game planner, Carlos Condit bested Nick Diaz to claim the interim welterweight championship Saturday night at UFC 143.  Using a master strategy created by Greg Jackson,  Carlos Condit ducked, dodged, and leg kicked Diaz to a unanimous 48-47, 48-47, 49-46 victory. 
“He was talking, I was landing punches,” Condit said after and while Nick Diaz is never in a fight where he isn’t talking, Carlos was able to not allow himself to be suckered into the Diaz school yard bully technique.  The plan for Carlos was to keep distance and stay out of exchanges on the cage which, short of a few brief moments, Condit was able to use his defense boxing skills to do just that.
“I pushed this guy backwards the whole time.  He ran from me this whole fight,” Nick Diaz told Joe Rogan after his first loss in twelve outings.  “I landed the harder shots.  He kicked my leg with little baby kicks the whole fight.”  Of course, in MMA, just as in boxing, when a fight goes to the judges, it really does depend on the points a fight scores during the fight so connecting with more than half a hundred leg kicks is going to account for a lot of points.  Point wins like this are a Greg Jackson specialty that is good enough t o even propel a fighter like Keith Jardine to beat the likes of Hall of Famer Chuck Lidddell.
In the co-headline fight of the night, Febricio Werdum used and abused Big Country Roy Nelson in route to an easy decision.  Working a solid inside game and a face to knee plum clinch that threatened to send Nelson’s nose into the first few rows, Werdum went a long way to erasing his lay and invite technique that he utilized against Allistair Overeem in his last outing.  Febricio’s striking will never be on the level of Junior Dos Santos, who’s striking is really, but he did show that his basics are improving and maybe when he gets another shot at one of the big dogs of the division, he can make it on the feet long enough to have a chance to take the fight into his wheelhouse and show the skills that he used to bring down the Last Emperor.  In defeat, Roy Nelson reminded everyone how hard a noggin he has but showed little else to convince anyone that Big Country is anything other than a middle tier fighter.  The Mullet Wonder will continue to have entertaining fights almost every time he steps into the cage but if his dream is still UFC gold, he might want to talk to Chael Sonnen about where he got his belt from.
picture courtesy of

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday means...

...that someone somewhere is getting drunk and reminiscing about ABC's TGFI tv lineup.  With that in mind you nostalgic mofo's, let's relieve the week of the one that just past.

In an all things from the great beyond story, astronomers have found a fourth potentially habitable planet outside of our solar system.  The planet, only 22 light years from earth, is located near enough t a M-class dwarf star that it appears to have a temperature reasonable enough to sustain water and in turn, support life as we know it (Touch Me).   
The inmates from St. Albans Vermont have a very sly sense of humor (Touch Me).  Just a little chuckle for the years of hard time spent in the tough confines of Vermont.  
Monsanto is fucking bees.  What a surprise (Touch Me)!
A Harvard professor has created a model that shows how the slight shifts in the Earth's axis could be enough to create an ice age (Touch Me).  Damn you and your real data Harvard.  Where is the faith.  Faith!
The do not fly list (eyes rolled) has doubled in the last year (Touch Me).   If terrorist are doubling their numbers every year in a continual effort to do the exact same thing that they did (or were used a the face of) a few years ago, well first, they should really start using condoms (ha, Catholic joke inside a terrorist discussion.  shaky ground here).  And second, I believe that means that in another ten years, everyone will be terrorists and then what?  Is there really that many virgins up there (I know that is an outdated terrorist reference.  It has been shown that the idea is a good one for news stories but not an actual goal of most extremists) (because the extremists know that they have time in America before the plane goes kablooie to check mark off the list a few of their personal to do's before saying goodbye) (Touch Me).  
And with multiple stories, it is hard to really pick a favorite story for a picture so this week, I bring you an artist I love.  
David Jien

Monday, January 30, 2012

Well at least someone is standing up

Mon 810 maize, a genetically modified frankenseed created by our old friends at Monsanto, has been knocked down by the French government.  Since a government ban on Mon 810 maize in 2008, the large Blackwater owning company has tried to push through French court a removal of the ban.  Finally, this year, Monsanto has announced that they will not be selling MON810 in France this year.  A year is not forever, but when the powers of genetic modifications starts to put their grip on you, it is hard to break their grip (Touch Me).
courtesy of The Scottish Farmer

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Republicans say the darndest things

These Republican debates have been amazing.  It is like they operate in the world circa 1968.  Someone should package these debates up and sell them for 19.95.  The comedy could compete with even the best of Johnny Carson.  The lies.  The false disgust.  The pure disregard for things that happen in the actual real world.  I watch the Daily Show often but rarely reference it because either you are a fan or not and there is really no reason to push to the converted or push against those that hate pompous New Yorkers but this time, rather than pretending I can sum things up better than them, I acquiesce to the best on your tv screen.  
courtesy of

Over there Over there

So, I live slightly to moderately fearful of the ever impending march to challenge Iran to see who has the bigger cock/finish taking out the entire power structure of the middle east so that we can...well, I do not want to conjecture so let us just say that we like war and Iran is slightly crazy so here we have arrived.  Now, I am aware and appreciative that many of the smartest minds on the topic have been saying war was inevitable starting in September and we are now in January so someone is a little off on predictions.  Hopefully we can all agree that being wrong on something like this is the best kind of wrong to be but I am afraid that they are only temporarily wrong and that eventually, a head will come and off to blow things up again we will be.  Maybe this time we will at least think of a new reason to go rather than this whole weapons of mass destruction thing we try last go around.  If we do try this again, how about we all just make sure to go back and watch what Leon Panetta had to say on this week’s Face the Nation.  Just to be clear, he says not.  Not developing.  Does this mean we can slow our roll just a little and try and figure out how to all just get along together in this whole wide patch of humanity.  Friends or at least rivals in agreement that we are tired of bombing, tired of pulling dead people from destroyed buildings.  Just maybe.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Book Club Time

A little exert from one of my most favorite books, The Secret Team by Fletcher Prouty.  Even though Oliver Stone did a good job of tainting the book, if even a fourth of the stories inside are accurate, well...that's the CIA for ya.  I highly recommending reading the book.  It's even available free online (Touch Me).  Enjoy the horror.

Some of these actions worked in strange ways. And some of these
actions were subject to the same irregularities that plagued the rest of the operations that were kept from the eyes of the public and from the controls normal to an open government. The irresponsible step in from time to time and get away with things that would be discovered in normal activities. 
At one overseas base heavily involved in air activities in support of the Agency and of the foreign nationals the Agency was assisting, there were a number of aircraft of doubtful ownership commingled with other aircraft that were on "loan" from the Air Force. These aircraft were flown and maintained for the most part by a civilian facility that had the appearance of being a civilian contract carrier; but there were also a number of Air Force and Navy personnel with the unit in various capacities. The primary base unit was under Navy cover and had been for years, as a result of an earlier mission. With such a mix of personnel and
equipment it was all but impossible, and certainly impractical, to attempt rigid controls in the manner customary on a real military base. 
One of the planes assigned to this unit was a small transport aircraft common to all three services and built by the Beech Aircraft Corporation.  This plane was flown by the officers of the staff and was used for shorter administrative flights. One of the pilots who flew it regularly came in to land in a bad crosswind one day and momentarily lost control of the plane
after it had touched the ground during landing, in what is called a "ground loop". He recovered in time to keep from doing very much damage and no one was hurt. The plane needed minor repairs to be as good as new.  However, this pilot, who also had maintenance authority at this conglomerate base, ordered that the plane be hauled out behind the main hangar and covered with a large protective tarpaulin. It was left there for months, and unknown to others on  the base, a report was filed to Washington that it would cost more to fix the plane than it was worth; so
the plane was scheduled for what the military calls "salvage". This means it is put up for sale to the highest bidder for scrap, or whatever. 
No one on this base, which was  primarily managed by the CIA, gave this a thought, and after a while the plane was not even missed.  During this time the pilot, a major who was actually a career CIA employee serving in his Air Force reserve grade, was transferred back to an assignment in Washington at CIA headquarters. He had not been there long when he located the paperwork on that plane and made a bid in his own name and that of a friend to purchase the plane for scrap prices. Since
no one else even knew where the plane was (and even if they had they would not have wanted to go to that remote place to get it) and of course, since any other bidder would have believed that the plane was a total loss, there were no other bidders. The major bought the plane in a perfectly legal maneuver. 
He then applied for a brief vacation. Dashing back to the overseas station, where he was well known, he arranged with the local maintenance crews to have the plane fixed at very little expense to himself, and in no time he and his friend shipped it back to the United States. Their profit on the deal was many times more than the actual money they had invested, and no one ever knew about it because all of the records had been kept in
highly classified channels. Secrecy can be used for many purposes, and this was just one of the uses to which it can be put by those of the team who know how to get away with it.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

My new friend

I am sorry lady that I ran into at Grandy's today.  Not ran into so much, like a car into car parking lot incident, though, that would have been much more enjoyable.  No, I am talking about us running into each other, head to head, in a battle of stubborn wills.  At this time, I am still a little too into the situation to share the story but let me just say that if you have a loved one or family member that performs any kind of civic duty, do me a favor and never put them in the position where you ask them to come to your rescue when there is nothing to be rescued from.  That makes them not want to talk to you or answer their calls or spend time with you at the holidays.  I highly doubt they ever call you at your job and ask if they can get a large fry bump up for the price of a medium. Respect peoples work place.  Be a drain to them on their off hours.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its all happening

So, it has been a cantakerous day on the world wide.  The DOJ decided this morning (Touch Me) to take down and out  The site and the creators.  No warning.  No, hey, take this down.  Just go directly to jail.  Well...(Touch Me).  Whats good for the goose seems appropriate here.  I put my full one person support behind Annoymous.  I'm not even sure if the other guys even know what the internet is (Touch Me).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

leave us alone already

It is not even safe to keep Kleenex (tissues for those who do not want to use the brand name label that has taken over the lexicon) around the house anymore (Touch Me). I never remember if it is Bed Bath and other things or the other place I do not even know the name of that I get my smell good air fresheners from but if it is Bed Bath, even after this radioactive thing, I would still go there.  I am a man.  I have too many ways to smell up a house if I do not hide it behind the sweet smell of cinammon.
The LA Times says hold your horses on thinking we are past old diseases like tuberculosis (Touch Me).  What is old is new again.  We should probably start getting used to all kinds of diseases becoming drug-resistent because just as we evolve, so does our body attackers.  You don't think they would just sit around and rest on their laurels do you?
Some of the most popular sites of the world wide are down today protesting the governments uneducated interference with the wonders of the web (Link blocked in observance).  We all could rant and rave about the damage that will be done when the government finally gets around to regulating the internet but lets always remember that it is our decisions that will push the internet down the hole of corporations to never be seen from again.  I just hope my friends for the resistance get their satelites up and running so that maybe there will be hope that I can see every kind of porn ever created for my viewing pleasure.  I do not like it all but I live life a little better knowing that everything is an option.  I like to create my own sensibilities thank you very much.

Monday, January 16, 2012

There is a video to that

Somewhere out there exists two video tapes of incidents in which I never volunteer to participate in but still did them with fervor and zeal.  One, from many moons ago, was a little school special my classmates and I performed in the town square for our anti-drug week initiation.  The lessons took as you well know.  I still have the red ribbon we were given around here somewhere I'm sure.  I bet running around downtown with that on wouldn't bring me any type of confrontations at all.  This tape is somewhere out there in the ethos I'm certain but it still has not surfaced so I'm thinking it might never will.  The more recent event took place this last weekend and I am sure that unlike when the first thing happened back in the 80's, this one is easily uploadable to the work wide.  I will not go into full detail here, if the video finds it way to youtube I will not tell you where it is, but I can that I have now auditioned for a reality show with a skill that I only pull out every ten years but the last time I did it was in the rain and lead to a fantastic rest of the night so maybe I should do it more.  But my audition was judged as a no which disappoints me.  I thought maybe I did think I could dan...Anyway, watch the video and judge for yourself.  If you can find it suckers.  Happy Monday to all!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

where have all the good cars gone

Tossing out a story for your pleasure.  If you like it and want more, send me a message and I'll send it over.
BMW.  Mercedes.  Cadillac El Dorado.  Luxury cars.  Perfect targets for the perfect plan.  People with such cars buy up lots of insurance then go drinking at bars and that’s why I am back here lurking.  Waiting.    Knowing that it only takes one sucker to hit me then bang!  Nothing more than some bumps and bruises to get me into a better financial bracket.  Go ahead and write that insurance check out to me.  Risk/reward I’m willing to take.
“Hey,” a female voice calls out from somewhere behind me, further back in the darkness of the parking lot, “yeah you, hey.”  I turn to welcome a group of girls, lead by the loud one out front.  “You got a light?”
I glance over towards the front door of the bar.  Check to make sure I do not miss an exiting opportunity.  All clear.  I pull out my lighter and set flames to four Virginia Slims. 
“Are you back here getting high too?”  The question sends the gals into fits of laughter.  The giggles make me realize how much this visit could interfere with my evening’s goal.  I try to sneak away from the pack.  The loud girl, the one out front, grabs me by the arm.  Stares into my eyes.
“Are you getting high, man?”  The serious tone in her voice silences her friends cackling.  I readjust my own demeanor.  Afraid I’ve been caught in the act.  They have the numbers on me but I’m pretty sure if I move quickly, I can out speed them.  Back in my car.  Never come back to this place again.  The girl can only hold it in for so long.  She dies laughing.  Her friends join along. 
“You caught me girls,” I smile along, “but I caught you too.”  We all laugh together then return to the bar, arm in arm.  If I am not going to be successful getting run down by a car for some insurance money then I might as well have a few good moments with some pretty ladies.  Girls that do drugs.  After I succeed with my plot, I might just need something extra to take the pain away.
“So…what’s your story,” the leader of group, I have learned that her name is Andrea, asks me.  We are all a few shots more inebriated; one round bought by each person in our party, another by a couple of guys at the bar.  I got mine included by hiding under a wig one of the girls had stored in her purse, “always got to have a back up” she explained.  It comes in handy again when the guys tried to join us at our table ending the visit feeling like a man feels flipping to the back of the Observer and falling in love with someone before realizing he turned to the tranny listings. 
“Story?  Oh, I don’t really have one.”
“Everyone’s got one.  Except pedo’s and serial killers.  Which one are you?”
“Well I guess maybe you will have to find out.”  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize the implications by my smooth talk.  “I mean, not find out.  I guess you wouldn’t really ever find out if I was a pedophile, you know,” I stutter, “since you are a woman and don’t fit into that category.”
“Are you calling me old?”  I am lost for words.  “I’m kidding,” she says, “I get what you are saying but maybe you should stop trying to say it and tell me something else.  How about what was your favorite shirt when you were eleven?”
My Texas Rangers jersey with Mcdowell stitched into the back of course.  We talk for a while longer.  Continue to drink.  Long enough for Andrea to be comfortable coming home with me and me being comfortable enough allowing it.  

Well that's a good enough reason I guess

Palm Beach (in the worst state in the world)- Some guest of a fancy pants restaurant in the armpit of everywhere, Florida, decided he wanted the check until he didn't want the check anymore in which case he decided that he did not want the check so much, it was enough to break the waiters finger.  Or two.  Good enough reason you ask.  Good enough for that waiter to sue the crap out of said gentleman because this is the ideal situation for a court to award a million dollar settlement and I wouldn't say a word.  Certainly a better reason than hot coffee to the lap at least.

Giant mess of dark matter

Austin- Scientists have created the largest scale rendering of dark matter across the universe, revealing a picture of the invisible stuff thought to represent 98 percent of all matter in the universe.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I got an idea

Thinking about starting another blog so I will.  Been going through lots of old records and seeing some of the most beautiful, wonderful, scary, creepy, and all around weird images I ever did see.  So, it's old inappropriate record covers blog (which will have a better name) and it starts this week so look out team.  Now I've got two things to procrastinate on and not do. Here's a preview.

Buck Owens-Live at the Nugget: As ppulido points on, Buck only plays six of the songs on the album but the whole shebang ends with Johnny B Goode so it's fine by me.  The weirdness level is fair but tempered by the fact that the Nugget, John Ascuaga's Nugget to be exact, most certainly had easy access to an elephant whose loyalty and affection need only to be bought by a bag of peanuts and a scotch.  Buck looks slightly terrified as he hangs on for dear life on the girdle around Bertha's head but he's putting on a lovely fake smile that warms the heart.  Random Rating: 4.3 which is a 3.8 with an added bump for the Billy Brown boots Buck is sporting.  Hell, maybe Billy even stole them.  Who is to say.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Friday so...

Let's give you a few of the newest stories for 2012, the last year we will be alive (jokes, I got jokes).  Let's start with the government's new cloaking device idea that doesn't invisible just a person or a place but rather an entire event (Touch Me).  I wish I could cloak every Tuesday.  I don't like them.  Ever.
Hey, we also had a little caucus voting down (or up) there in Iowa.  What a great time that was had by all.  What is also fantastic is that even with a record caucus turnout, only 8 percent of Iowans came out to cast their hand raise ballot.  Here is where that link would go but I can't seem to find it right now so you just have to believe me on this one.  Or not.  It will not hurt my feelings.
Here is another link host that I never thought I would share.  Fox had a great story this week about sea creatures living on the sea floor living off of chemicals from black smoke created volcanic hot vents beneath the ocean where temperatures can reach over 700 degrees (Touch Me).  Just one of those little things that might make you wonder why we don't turn a government agency (yes, this is a fight with NASA) down under water instead of always in the sky.  Underwater, that is the future.  Says me.
How about a little trip to space to watch the Earth rise up from behind the moon (Touch Me).  Ah, things that make you feel so minuscule in the grand scheme of things (and that is okay cause we are. Calm down with all the we are so important thing.  Down a notch or two).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Look at me

Alright, my twitter has now joined us on all my page of pizana so enjoy that too.  What more could you ask for from me?  Except nudie pictures but I shall not do that until I get 300,000 followers, I mean dollars.  Followers aren't paying for me to get away.  In the mean while, share my desktop photo with me. It's pretty, no?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The things we believe when we are told it is true

James Corbett always does a great job researching and finding facts on all things secret.  Please visit his site just remember that it is not going to be uplifting.  These are the things we have to live with sometimes.  My favorite part of his reporting is a segment he does telling the real history of some the stories of our time.  The history of the taliban, events around September 11th (not crazy ideas of the events of the day.  Just all the scumbagery that was going on around at the time), and so on.  This week, it is the story of how we, the American people, get bamboozled into war.  Ah, the wonderful world of the war machine.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Last year for us

Here we are 2012.  The year that the highly respectable National Enquirer has been saying the world was going to end (as far back as I can remember at the very least.  I always read them standing in the grocery store line.  Sometimes I need to know which celebrity as cellulite hanging out at the beach).  (Second note, I kid the NE. They did break the John Edwards story which also reminded me that I will never ever never think that a trial lawyer is a decent human being ever again).  There were good stories in 2011.  There were great stories in 2011.  Most importantly, I think that 2011 was the year that the turnaround for rich people doing devious stuff and us finding out about it is nearing instant and that is just about the best thing that could happen to try to keep some of those mofo's in check.  Now, don't get me wrong.  Since 2008, one group of Americans has made a bid to steal everything that isn't nailed down (and been very successful) so when things collapse, they will have more green paper to burn for kindling I guess but we know about this already.  It would have been nice to get angry beforehand and maybe stop some of the money going to people who don't need it but better late than never.  2011 was also the year that we got Fast and Furious program, a drunken used car salesman from Houston was accused of being an Iranian hitman, and to end the year, our fearless leader (our if you are a banker) decided to "with great reservation" approve the indefinite detention of American citizens if they are dubbed a "threat".  The problem with great reservation is that even if Obama doesn't abuse the law, what about the next guy or the one after that.  Constitutionalists crow about laws been written that go against the things the Founding Fathers had set forth.  That usually isn't true.  This time it is.  So, 2012, the end of the world (just to be clear, this is completely a joke. I'm not putting my eggs in the world's gonna end basket just yet) let's see if we can make it through.  Good luck.