Wednesday, January 18, 2012

leave us alone already

It is not even safe to keep Kleenex (tissues for those who do not want to use the brand name label that has taken over the lexicon) around the house anymore (Touch Me). I never remember if it is Bed Bath and other things or the other place I do not even know the name of that I get my smell good air fresheners from but if it is Bed Bath, even after this radioactive thing, I would still go there.  I am a man.  I have too many ways to smell up a house if I do not hide it behind the sweet smell of cinammon.
The LA Times says hold your horses on thinking we are past old diseases like tuberculosis (Touch Me).  What is old is new again.  We should probably start getting used to all kinds of diseases becoming drug-resistent because just as we evolve, so does our body attackers.  You don't think they would just sit around and rest on their laurels do you?
Some of the most popular sites of the world wide are down today protesting the governments uneducated interference with the wonders of the web (Link blocked in observance).  We all could rant and rave about the damage that will be done when the government finally gets around to regulating the internet but lets always remember that it is our decisions that will push the internet down the hole of corporations to never be seen from again.  I just hope my friends for the resistance get their satelites up and running so that maybe there will be hope that I can see every kind of porn ever created for my viewing pleasure.  I do not like it all but I live life a little better knowing that everything is an option.  I like to create my own sensibilities thank you very much.

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