Friday, January 20, 2012

My new friend

I am sorry lady that I ran into at Grandy's today.  Not ran into so much, like a car into car parking lot incident, though, that would have been much more enjoyable.  No, I am talking about us running into each other, head to head, in a battle of stubborn wills.  At this time, I am still a little too into the situation to share the story but let me just say that if you have a loved one or family member that performs any kind of civic duty, do me a favor and never put them in the position where you ask them to come to your rescue when there is nothing to be rescued from.  That makes them not want to talk to you or answer their calls or spend time with you at the holidays.  I highly doubt they ever call you at your job and ask if they can get a large fry bump up for the price of a medium. Respect peoples work place.  Be a drain to them on their off hours.  

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