Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Friday so...

Let's give you a few of the newest stories for 2012, the last year we will be alive (jokes, I got jokes).  Let's start with the government's new cloaking device idea that doesn't invisible just a person or a place but rather an entire event (Touch Me).  I wish I could cloak every Tuesday.  I don't like them.  Ever.
Hey, we also had a little caucus voting down (or up) there in Iowa.  What a great time that was had by all.  What is also fantastic is that even with a record caucus turnout, only 8 percent of Iowans came out to cast their hand raise ballot.  Here is where that link would go but I can't seem to find it right now so you just have to believe me on this one.  Or not.  It will not hurt my feelings.
Here is another link host that I never thought I would share.  Fox had a great story this week about sea creatures living on the sea floor living off of chemicals from black smoke created volcanic hot vents beneath the ocean where temperatures can reach over 700 degrees (Touch Me).  Just one of those little things that might make you wonder why we don't turn a government agency (yes, this is a fight with NASA) down under water instead of always in the sky.  Underwater, that is the future.  Says me.
How about a little trip to space to watch the Earth rise up from behind the moon (Touch Me).  Ah, things that make you feel so minuscule in the grand scheme of things (and that is okay cause we are. Calm down with all the we are so important thing.  Down a notch or two).

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