Monday, January 2, 2012

Last year for us

Here we are 2012.  The year that the highly respectable National Enquirer has been saying the world was going to end (as far back as I can remember at the very least.  I always read them standing in the grocery store line.  Sometimes I need to know which celebrity as cellulite hanging out at the beach).  (Second note, I kid the NE. They did break the John Edwards story which also reminded me that I will never ever never think that a trial lawyer is a decent human being ever again).  There were good stories in 2011.  There were great stories in 2011.  Most importantly, I think that 2011 was the year that the turnaround for rich people doing devious stuff and us finding out about it is nearing instant and that is just about the best thing that could happen to try to keep some of those mofo's in check.  Now, don't get me wrong.  Since 2008, one group of Americans has made a bid to steal everything that isn't nailed down (and been very successful) so when things collapse, they will have more green paper to burn for kindling I guess but we know about this already.  It would have been nice to get angry beforehand and maybe stop some of the money going to people who don't need it but better late than never.  2011 was also the year that we got Fast and Furious program, a drunken used car salesman from Houston was accused of being an Iranian hitman, and to end the year, our fearless leader (our if you are a banker) decided to "with great reservation" approve the indefinite detention of American citizens if they are dubbed a "threat".  The problem with great reservation is that even if Obama doesn't abuse the law, what about the next guy or the one after that.  Constitutionalists crow about laws been written that go against the things the Founding Fathers had set forth.  That usually isn't true.  This time it is.  So, 2012, the end of the world (just to be clear, this is completely a joke. I'm not putting my eggs in the world's gonna end basket just yet) let's see if we can make it through.  Good luck.

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