Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday means...

...that someone somewhere is getting drunk and reminiscing about ABC's TGFI tv lineup.  With that in mind you nostalgic mofo's, let's relieve the week of the one that just past.

In an all things from the great beyond story, astronomers have found a fourth potentially habitable planet outside of our solar system.  The planet, only 22 light years from earth, is located near enough t a M-class dwarf star that it appears to have a temperature reasonable enough to sustain water and in turn, support life as we know it (Touch Me).   
The inmates from St. Albans Vermont have a very sly sense of humor (Touch Me).  Just a little chuckle for the years of hard time spent in the tough confines of Vermont.  
Monsanto is fucking bees.  What a surprise (Touch Me)!
A Harvard professor has created a model that shows how the slight shifts in the Earth's axis could be enough to create an ice age (Touch Me).  Damn you and your real data Harvard.  Where is the faith.  Faith!
The do not fly list (eyes rolled) has doubled in the last year (Touch Me).   If terrorist are doubling their numbers every year in a continual effort to do the exact same thing that they did (or were used a the face of) a few years ago, well first, they should really start using condoms (ha, Catholic joke inside a terrorist discussion.  shaky ground here).  And second, I believe that means that in another ten years, everyone will be terrorists and then what?  Is there really that many virgins up there (I know that is an outdated terrorist reference.  It has been shown that the idea is a good one for news stories but not an actual goal of most extremists) (because the extremists know that they have time in America before the plane goes kablooie to check mark off the list a few of their personal to do's before saying goodbye) (Touch Me).  
And with multiple stories, it is hard to really pick a favorite story for a picture so this week, I bring you an artist I love.  
David Jien

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