Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Someone should compile these

With the news that we have already lost 20 percent of the live information created on social media sites for the Libya uprising, (normally you would Touch Me but damn if I can't find this link but unlike some websites who put up broken links pretending like it is a link to a real source when it wasn't, I swear I read it somewhere recently.  how about just stroll through disinfo.com for a few pages.  Sounds like something they would be into and if not, you are still going to see some great stories) it is time for us to really start logging and cataloging information so that when The Man takes things down, we will still have it.  I suggest we start with someone starting a blog maybe that compiles the last paragraph of each news article that might carry a deeper meaning than the headline grabbing topic at the topic.  We could, for instance, start with this little diddy about the invasion of female suicide bombers being dispatched from Yemen (Touch Me).  The article paints the horror story idea that Yemenize (?) females are being sent around the globe (on planes of course) to blow some poor unsuspecting rich country peoples sky high.  Terror Terror Terror.  Red Alert.  What the article also holds is some very peculiar information about another popular "suicide bomber".  Do you remember the Christmas day bomber, Umar Abdulmutallab?  Oh, what a bastard for messing up the birth of our Lord (Touch Me).  Well, some people at the scene, Kurt and Lori Haskell, said that they saw the terrorist before boarding the plane and he wasn't alone (Touch Me) (I don't care it is a wiki link or not. it has sources, use them).  Of course, this was ridiculous and outlandish and all the other words one can lob at another person to ensure everyone thinks they are crazy.  Well, maybe not so crazy after all because at the end of the Female bomber's article is one little throw away paragraph that makes the situation some kinds of murky (Touch Me) (Page 2 last paragraph). Why toss that in there, just hiding there at the bottom?  I know I read to the bottom of every article (insert sarcastic sound here).  
Federal agents also tell ABCNews.com they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.
Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab "did not get cold feet."

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