Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh Tuesday

Trying to integrate some things over to over things and learning how much that some places online (starts with a F ends with a acebook) like to make things so exorbitantly difficult to handle.  I will not be defeated just apparently distracted for a while longer.  So, in the meanwhile, www.whackbatmedia.com is looking pretty fancy and will continue to expand in the days and weeks a coming.  And it will have a facebook page too if I die trying (or kill a programmer or two).  So in the meanwhile, lets talk about the NBA.

Oh, NBA.  What an insanely absurd predicament you find yourselves in.  You are not the NFL.  Losing 1 game out of 16 is way more impending doom nature than a month or two of an 82 game season that no one watches until January.  That is not good for you.  A kind reminder of how second fiddle sounds.  But you were moving out of that spotlight at the of the season last year.  People were coming around to your side.  Hell, you have a dozen of the top 25 most recognizable athletes in the US of A and are set to surpass soccer as the number one watched (maybe played, not sure. stole that data from someone) in the world.  Yet, you somehow decided that making a big fuss about a new bargaining agreement took presidence over working on a gateway deal to get you through these next two or three lean years and see how things are going to fall when we reach the other side of that magical technological field.  I mean, you guys are aware that in 5 years, 10 years, nothing you see now will be the same.  Sacramento is going to raise enough money to fund a new stadium and keep their Kings in town but what will that stadium look like?  I haven't heard anyone say a thing about how futuristic and next step the design is going to be.  Maybe it will be next year or in two years but that is not good enough anymore.  What is your fan experience?  The one that you plan on unveiling that has a fan experience that surpasses their living room couch and big screen.  Oh, you've got nothing for that.  Exactly.  Baseball might always be played and boxing might always take place but there are heights neither will ever see again.  NBA, looks like it is time to fall in line.

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