Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FBI case against anthrax scientist

Washington- Months after the anthrax mailings that terrorized the nation 2001, and long before he became the prime suspect, Army biologist Bruce Ivins sent his superiors an email offering to hep scientists trace the killer.
This, among other inconsistencies beginning to come to light regarding the anthrax attacks, will put a test on a court's ability to investigate such an important moment in recent american history.  There are only three options but each carries a heavy weight if it was indeed the reality.  The first choice being that one biologist, working alone and in an extreme rush, created the spores necessary to send out letters laced with anthrax leading the deaths of five people.  The second being that simply Bruce Ivins nor his lab was not involved in creating the spores for the letters and there is someone out there; maybe in Russia, maybe in England, who remains free to roam the streets.  Or third, and likely the worst of all, that an american biologist (maybe Bruce Ivins, maybe someone else completely), with assistance from someone within labs either in Maryland or in Utah, created the anthrax and mailed it out in order to heighten the fears of an already terrified nation.


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