Thursday, October 6, 2011

 I love her twitter feed (which I mostly certain do follow).  I love her unrelenting arrogance (if you are going to have it, have it all the way).  Sarah Palin is a maverick and she does what she wants and I applaud her for that.  While some bimbos and second rates run for the presidency like Romney and Bachmann, Misses Maverick says fuck all bunch of that shit.  She knows there are much bigger platforms to stand on.  Much more ways to impact this great red, white, and blue nation of ours than to just be the lowly commander and chief.  This is the best move I have seen in this current (whatever current is now since it is no longer seasonal cause it runs the year round. Like football and lockouts.  And how come the NBA can't get the same media love for their lockouts?  This is most certain race based and needs to be investigated) political season.  Just pure savvy on her part.  A character like her, going through another chop 'em down presidential race, would inevitably be chopped down to even smaller pieces by the negative nellie political media system.  That's not just a reflection on Palin. It was easy to how Perry get beaten away at the moment he stepped in.  So who, in wanting to be an influential policymaker, ever would think that relegating themselves to a political position is the smart play?  All the power.  None of the rules.  Oprah has never held a political position and I think she helps to paint her narrative all over the world as well as anyone.  Just because she doesn't read doesn't mean she isn't smart.

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