Friday, October 28, 2011

Red Light cameras

Let me sum up the article for you since I know you never (and when I say you I mean I) past the first two paragraphs.  
"some of the contracts (in regards to the companies who run the actual red light machines) written by the companies themselves and later signed by municipal governments, requires each camera record a certain number of red-light runners every year AND for police departments to issue a minimum number of tickets."
Intersections less safe (Touch Me) and the need to force people into traffic violation situations is why I support more cameras at intersections.  And everywhere.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh Tuesday

Trying to integrate some things over to over things and learning how much that some places online (starts with a F ends with a acebook) like to make things so exorbitantly difficult to handle.  I will not be defeated just apparently distracted for a while longer.  So, in the meanwhile, is looking pretty fancy and will continue to expand in the days and weeks a coming.  And it will have a facebook page too if I die trying (or kill a programmer or two).  So in the meanwhile, lets talk about the NBA.

Oh, NBA.  What an insanely absurd predicament you find yourselves in.  You are not the NFL.  Losing 1 game out of 16 is way more impending doom nature than a month or two of an 82 game season that no one watches until January.  That is not good for you.  A kind reminder of how second fiddle sounds.  But you were moving out of that spotlight at the of the season last year.  People were coming around to your side.  Hell, you have a dozen of the top 25 most recognizable athletes in the US of A and are set to surpass soccer as the number one watched (maybe played, not sure. stole that data from someone) in the world.  Yet, you somehow decided that making a big fuss about a new bargaining agreement took presidence over working on a gateway deal to get you through these next two or three lean years and see how things are going to fall when we reach the other side of that magical technological field.  I mean, you guys are aware that in 5 years, 10 years, nothing you see now will be the same.  Sacramento is going to raise enough money to fund a new stadium and keep their Kings in town but what will that stadium look like?  I haven't heard anyone say a thing about how futuristic and next step the design is going to be.  Maybe it will be next year or in two years but that is not good enough anymore.  What is your fan experience?  The one that you plan on unveiling that has a fan experience that surpasses their living room couch and big screen.  Oh, you've got nothing for that.  Exactly.  Baseball might always be played and boxing might always take place but there are heights neither will ever see again.  NBA, looks like it is time to fall in line.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Making an Apperance

Why don't you stop by and see me and my other businesses (other being other than the business of being me) at the Kaufman Scarecrow Festival.  Oh yeah, going to K-town to visit the peoples.  And try to make a few dollars so visit and buy.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I hate an uncomfy couch

“I don’t think so but if you want to…”
She did.  She fell.  No way anyone was going to make it across that mini lake in the parking lot after the rain in a dress that tight.  Logistics.  Earths’ energy.  Now I’ve got to figure out how to not get my car wet from this dripping girl trying to get in.  How much guff would I get for leaving her behind.  Give her some cab money.  My seats are still so new.
I see the remote.  I am aware it is certainly not underneath me but it feels it. My back feels it.  Stabbing me in the sixth vertebrae.  This couch is terrible.  I would like to avoid sleeping here again.  I’d have to do yoga for a week for every night here.  Withering up like a liquid drained flower. 
No breakfast.  No coffee.  Vanessa has ghosted on me before I could drag myself out of my sleepless night.  We need a trip to the grocery store.  Pop tarts.  Strawberry with icing.  Why icing, why?  How does anyone still have teeth?  Not as bad as three sweet teas a day but I can’t imagine enamel appreciating either.  Dentures don’t sound too bad.
“Can we call this a new day?”
“I’ve got a date.”
“You didn’t tell me.  Just give me a few minutes to get ready.”
“Not you,” Vanessa says.  She seems to mean it.  At least she will look good.  Maybe we can skype later.  I only need the highlights.  Especially if it is not until the morning before she comes home.  Our home.
“We are still together?”  The walls don’t answer.
A week.  Two weeks.  Still home alone.  Have been eating peanut butter sandwiches for three days.  Ran out of jelly.  Someone needs to go to the store.
“Are you still alive?” My mom asks when she calls to check on my attendance for Halloween dinner.  We always celebrate in our own ways. 
“Of course,” I’ll be there.  Free food. 
Halloween left overs make it a week.  Vanessa’s been gone for a month.  No clean dishes.  I need to find someone for that.  Craigslist.
Blow job and a clean house.   All for two joints and some coke to go (some here for the speed of cleaning).  It is amazing how great Craigslist can be.  And got a new couch for delivery.  Rather not sleep in our bed.  It’s your smell.  It is hard to sleep smelling when my cock gets all hard.  It’s Pavlov.  I’m nothing more deep than a dog.  Heavy dose of reality.
A little whips and feathers.  A feast of roast, mac and cheese, and Hawaiian bread.  All that from a mute girl.  No conversation.  Just weird moans.  I tip.  She tried  to pretend to be offended.  Those with handicaps know when not to question a gift.  No one ever wants to buy them flowers.  Heart shaped boxes.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There's nets on them there buildings

Seems as though not many people are aware of this story so...some factories in China,including the Foxconn building that makes all of our wonderful Apple toys, had to install nettings around the buildings in order to catch any potential suicidal workers before they smashed down to the ground.
I don't think those are factory installs (Touch Me)

Monday, October 17, 2011

That's a really old pot

Blombos- Scientists have uncovered two ancient tool kits they believe to be as old as 165,000 years.  No reason to think I can tell you anything better than reading the article.  Just remember the wall paintings in France are somewhere around 65,000 years old.  That's as old as art creations of this kind go.  Until now apparently.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The week that we just got rid of

And oh what a week it was.  Turns out, the biggest thorn in our sides over there in the middle east has a super trooper group of soldiers that they train to be one of the baddest groups on the planet only when the chips are down and they make a play, they turn to a drunkard stoner in Texas to hire Mexican drug cartel hitmen to take out a Saudi diplomat hanging out in DC (Touch Me).  What the...?  No question stranger things have happened, certainly when it comes to family ties (not the Michel P Keaton kind), but man, if this is what we are up against in the rest of the world, hell, maybe it can be USA! USA! for a few more years.  Hitting the jackpot as being the arresting government agency on this grand caper, the ATF can breathe a sigh of relief for the moment while this overshadows their other, less successful, work under the Fast and Furious program (Touch Me) which is now coming to a courtroom near you.  This program put guns into the hands of the cartels, yes those shooting up the streets along the border, in an effort to try and track the guns and make arrests to those in possession.  Sounds like a great plan but some reason, didn't work out so well.  I guess we can't be perfectly competent all the time.  It would just be nice to be competent just once or at least not be so incompetent as to use pirated software to fly our killing machines around (Touch Me)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tim Allen has a new show

I must admit that I assumed Tim Allen's new tv show, "Last Man Standing" was going to be something akin to a Tyler Perry romp.  The nostalgic way in which all the advertisements and publicity sold Tim Allen being back on TV with a family that was funny.  And a studio audience.  This kind of nostalgia has proven to be a nuclear disaster since its inception (see Charlie's Angels for the most recent example).  So, my expectation bar was set to bottom-of-the-barrel levels when I qued up the pilot episode.  Much to my delight, the show was actually well written and funny (just to be clear, the caveat to everything forward is "for network TV") show.  (Loretta from Justified) To be certain, this show skews to an aging demographic.  The same viewers that might still enjoy a cheesy network sitcom, can only see to watch them with characters that they might more relate to like "New Girl" or "Two Broke Girls".  Tim Allen's slight (yes slight. Not everything has to be the worst version of something automatically.  There are levels to everything.) homophobia began in the first episode.  There is no question that the show, and in that I mean Tim Allen because he will be THE reason on whether the show survives or not, does conjure up memories of the lovable TV mechanic just trying to raise a family in this crazy world.  It almost seems inevitable to see a kooky neighbor teaching Tim Allen some yoga and giving him sagely world advice.  That would be nostalgic indeed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The case against the underwear bomber

Theme week here I guess.  The case against.  Court cases are such tricky endeavors.  Does someone plead guilty or not guilty based on their actual position of being guilty or innocent or are there underlying circumstances that sends a case one way or another.  This seems like it might be the case with the underwear bomber.  After months of claiming he was innocent and the government offering absolutely no plea deal, this week Umar Abdulmutallab submitted a plea of guilty.  Maybe the accused man that tried to light his underwear bomb on fire on Christmas 2009 realized that he had no chance and rather than deal with court, he tossed in his own towel and accepted guilt for the crime.  Though, this same week, there was something else new that was interjected into the case.  Umar, defending himself, listed one witness to call on his behalf.  A Detroit attorney named Kurt Haskell.  Every since the attempted bombing, mister Haskell has claimed that the events of the day was not as simple as a crazy man getting on a plane with a bomb (scary enough as is).  Haskell's claims that Abdulmutallab was escorted through security on the fateful morning by a well dressed Indian man who, despite Umar's being listed on a terror watchlist and having no passport, was able to get the "bomber" through and onto the plane.  Even without the well dressed Indian man or the eye witness reporting from Kurt Haskell, the ability for someone with a trail like Abdulmutallab to get on a plane is unsettling enough.  If cancer scanners and trips to second base with passengers are not getting the job done, what good then is TSA good for?  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FBI case against anthrax scientist

Washington- Months after the anthrax mailings that terrorized the nation 2001, and long before he became the prime suspect, Army biologist Bruce Ivins sent his superiors an email offering to hep scientists trace the killer.
This, among other inconsistencies beginning to come to light regarding the anthrax attacks, will put a test on a court's ability to investigate such an important moment in recent american history.  There are only three options but each carries a heavy weight if it was indeed the reality.  The first choice being that one biologist, working alone and in an extreme rush, created the spores necessary to send out letters laced with anthrax leading the deaths of five people.  The second being that simply Bruce Ivins nor his lab was not involved in creating the spores for the letters and there is someone out there; maybe in Russia, maybe in England, who remains free to roam the streets.  Or third, and likely the worst of all, that an american biologist (maybe Bruce Ivins, maybe someone else completely), with assistance from someone within labs either in Maryland or in Utah, created the anthrax and mailed it out in order to heighten the fears of an already terrified nation.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Uncovering the hidden lake buried two miles beneath Antarctica

Antarctica- There are hundreds of subglacial lakes buried beneath the Antarctica ice, each one completely isolated from the rest of the world for hundreds of thousands of years.
If you need any more than that to click on the story, you are not my friend. You probably aren't anyway but seriously, now you wont be.

almost good luck

You've never quite done anything for me
You've certainly tried
no one wants a cake after its ate the floor
good try good effort
except unless successful it still rings up a failure
I'd never ask you to stop
the one in ten chance you do come through
LSD that time or the Tai chick you left behind
what a whore
but not even a batter can get away with
that many strikes outs
life needs to be at least even at 500

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's a go

Gracious people.  Sometimes, enough is just too much already.  I am aware that the job of policing the safety of our nation falls into the hands of people who are not always equipped with the capabilities to handle every situation but when will we ever remember we have the greatest gift for figuring out such hard problems.  It's called common sense.  I know.  I know.  What use is common sense when the computer answers all of our questions?  Well... common sense would be the perfect tool in the human toolbox of skills to solve a problem that faced a naieve little stewardess on a Southwest flight recently.  When one of her passengers took her seat, a college graduate student named Irum Abbasi, the flight attendant made sure to take notice.  You see, with her headscarf on full display, this made Irum quite "suspcious". Her airport adventure had already taken her through secondary screening as per the mandatory Arab randomly selected process but this would never, could never be enough.  So, the flight attendant had her eye on Irum.  Making sure she didn't make any sudden moves.  And, of course, like any Arab highjacker in the movies is likely to do, as the plane was getting ready to dislodge from the terminal and embark on its mission into the sky (good luck with that run-on) she made her move.  The pilot began his script. Everyone began shutting their electronics down.  Irum, into her cell phone, tells her cohorts in Islam "It's a go." But lucky for all of us, that Southwest Airlines stewardess was prepared and kicked that little terrorist off the plane.  USA! USA! Except, the girl said, "I've got to go" since the motherfucking plane was about to take off and now she is suing the airline.  USA!?!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm now following...

Blackboards in Porn.  Fantastic little blog that figures out the math problems in the background of porn videos and works out whether the math is correct.  Check them out.  Gave me a chuckle, though, just to be clear I still hate math.  Go words!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

 I love her twitter feed (which I mostly certain do follow).  I love her unrelenting arrogance (if you are going to have it, have it all the way).  Sarah Palin is a maverick and she does what she wants and I applaud her for that.  While some bimbos and second rates run for the presidency like Romney and Bachmann, Misses Maverick says fuck all bunch of that shit.  She knows there are much bigger platforms to stand on.  Much more ways to impact this great red, white, and blue nation of ours than to just be the lowly commander and chief.  This is the best move I have seen in this current (whatever current is now since it is no longer seasonal cause it runs the year round. Like football and lockouts.  And how come the NBA can't get the same media love for their lockouts?  This is most certain race based and needs to be investigated) political season.  Just pure savvy on her part.  A character like her, going through another chop 'em down presidential race, would inevitably be chopped down to even smaller pieces by the negative nellie political media system.  That's not just a reflection on Palin. It was easy to how Perry get beaten away at the moment he stepped in.  So who, in wanting to be an influential policymaker, ever would think that relegating themselves to a political position is the smart play?  All the power.  None of the rules.  Oprah has never held a political position and I think she helps to paint her narrative all over the world as well as anyone.  Just because she doesn't read doesn't mean she isn't smart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sonic the Hedgehog was Stolen

Well, kind of.  From the way back and still going on file, Kenneth Penders (number 2 of the Kenneth Penders monarchy) the Sega company owes him money for the considerable contributions he made to creating the world of Sonic.  Sonic the Hedgehog, a childhood favorite of mine that I still sucked at regardless, came out in 1991.  Mister Penders began work at Sega in 1993.  You remember.  David Koresh and such things.  If they haven't paid up by now sir, when then do you think they ever actually will.  People steal. It's fucked up especially when that was your one good idea that you were ever given.  Or how about maybe you just go eat a handful of mushrooms like you did back when you were designing the trippy ass courses for Sonic and then right behind that will come great idea number two.  They are our thinking saviors from mother nature people.  Let's eat them all up.

Twin Peaks the video game

Ah, Twin Peaks.  Oh how I love thee.  Let me count the ways. Dirty young girls.  Sex.  Red Room.  Midget.  Murder.  David Bowie.  One Eyed Jacks.  Drapes....Anyway, be Special Agent Dale Cooper as he wanders his way through The Black Lodge.  Glory be to all.  The video game play itself looks like a real pain in the ass so no way I was going to play it but the accompanying video on the site plays it for you.  So convenient.