Sunday, November 6, 2011

my favorite industry in the whole wide

I do love the pharmaceutical industry so very much.  They have taken buy offs and skulduggery to unimaginable heights. That is a compliment, no doubt.  I mean, it is not something my insides could allow me to handle.  Things like topping traffic-related deaths in the U.S. (Touch Me) is some kind of accomplishment.  At least, if that is your thing.  Though, that is small potatoes (at least in the grand scheme of things.  It is way too easy to keep something legal that kills scores of people; alcohol and tobacco continues to a shining example of such activities) compared to the plan they have in the works now (Touch Me).  Banning vitamins?  Come on, how can that be.  They are vitamins.  A lady asked the other day if her child might die from a vitamin overdose.  Vitamins!  Yeah, the ones we used to eat with Flinstones on them.  Like candy.  Just like candy cause they were candy.  Vitamins.  I just don't understand things anymore.   At least senator Durbin had the good sense to only take 300,000 dollars from the health lobby (Touch Me).  Better than say our commander in chief (Touch Me).  You've got to get your campaign dollars from somewhere of course, I just tend to think health care political influence is the lowest of the low level capital gain thing one can do.

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