Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just another week in the funland

I'll be fixing that last post in a day or two.  If anyone wants to tell me why when I cut and paste things I get a white background I'll make sure to give you a prize.  It's a pain.  Regardless, the reason I haven't just deleted it is the good ole reply that was posted to the story.  Seems that even when I get suckered into saying something nice about Monsantos, those bastards remind me why that is always a bad idea.  Story being, Mosantos scours the internet looking for stuff about them like fourth grade girls so when the poor soul that Monsantos has stuck in some dungeon working for peanuts find this one, sorry that you work for a monster.  Maybe try freelancing.  On to news:
My personal favorite of the week goes first.  A scientist may have discovered a way to never need to go to the dentist again  (Touch Me).  I guess maybe if I could get an appointment with Corbin Bernsen then I would reconsider but I hear that he was forced to retire.  We are so silly with our money here in our wonderful country (Touch Me).  Eight hundred million.  A few trillion.  Who really counts this stuff anyway.  Oh wait, I know who does (Touch Me).  Probably all those financial institutions that our Treasury Secretary told weeks ahead of time to abandon ship on some of their sour investments.    The news of the week that my little pea sized brain will never be able to wrap around (Touch Me).  Ten (and by no means all of) unsolved mysteries about Mars.  I still support under water living before out in the universe but what do I ever know.  All this, and Mitt Romney is so uninspiring, a guy named Newt is trying to slip in through the back door and take over the nomination.  Newt you say.  What has he been doing with his time in office?  (Touch Me).  Oh, what a magical magical time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Plants that point to hidden ruins

New Scientist magazine- Discovering ancient settlements is often rather hit and miss, but the odds would be improved with a bit of chemical analysis. Plants growing over old sites of human habitation have a different chemistry from their neighbours, and these differences can reveal the location buried ruins.
Plants mostly take in nitrogen from the soil as the isotope nitrogen-14, with just a dash of nitrogen-15. Plants growing above archaeological sites in Greenland, however, seem to have absorbed a larger dose of nitrogen-15. 

I can be fairly certain that this will be the only positive Monsanto's article I post this millennium but I am happy to acquiesce to Monsanto's ability to do some really good stuff  with modified shrubbery but that is not what makes money so...well anyway, pretty cool/creepy that plants can adapt to death so well. (Touch Me) (Touch Me)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Zapruder and Stolley: Witness to an Assassination

As we approach the anniversary of that tragic November day in Dallas, a new documentary remembers the man who was responsible for bringing the indelible images of the last moments of the motorcade, and President Kennedy’s short life, to the world.  Zapruder and Stolley: Witness to an Assassination chronicles Dick Stolley’s odyssey to acquire what would become one of the most famous films in American history from a man named Abraham Zapruder. 
Late in the afternoon on November 22nd 1963, Dick Stolley received word that a businessman from Dallas had captured the dramatic events of the day on film.  After spending the evening trying in vain to reach him on the phone, Stolley finally was able to speak with a weary and distraught Abraham Zapruder who after a very brief conversation, pushed Stolley off until the following day.  Arriving an hour early and decked out in a suit in tie, Stolley sat down with two Secret Service men and watched the last few seconds of President Kennedy’s all too short life.   “Even though it was only six seconds of video, it unfolded in slow motion, frame by frame,” Dick Stolley recalled.  The hard part now began as Stolley had to now convince Mister Zapruder that he and Life magazine would be the proper home for his footage of tragedy. 
The documentary is kept simple with the bulk of the footage comes from a lecture Dick Stolley gave years ago that the director, Roger Thurman, was luckily enough to be on hand to record.  Additionally, with the cooperation of The Sixth Floor Museum, Thurman worked in the Zapruder film and the six seconds that changed America forever.  The video can still illicit horror from an audience as evident by the audible gasps that could be heard as the documentary wound down and the Zapruder film was shown in its entirety for the first and only time in the film. 
Gary Mack, the curator for the museum, sat with Dick Stolley after the screening to talk more about  November of 1963 and the whirlwind of events trying to secure the 8mm footage from Mister Z. “Years later,” Dick recounted, “I introduced myself to Zapruder’s business partner believing this was the first time we had met.”  Only later did Stolley realize they had spent the Saturday in Zapruder’s office together.  “I went back and pulled out the contract and sure enough, his signature was on the contract just the same as Mister Z’s and mine.”  Just another testament to how time in America stood still for those tragic days.
As one of the seminal achievements in journalism in the modern era, Stolley will forever be linked with the Zapruder film and how the first images of the President’s death were presented to not only the American people but around the world.  “the two things I’ll be remembered for,” Stolley tells as the event came to a close, “founder of People magazine and getting the Zapruder film.  Well,” he said with a smile, “that makes me happy.” 

Where's Waldo

Read over the next two paragraphs and see if you can figure out what is missing.
authorities have arrested a man who law enforcement officials believe was planning to build and detonate a bomb in New York with government workers, returning military personnel and elected officials as the target, two people briefed on the case said on Sunday.
Cyrus R. Vance Jr.,  the Manhattan district attorney, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly of the New York Police Department announced the charges against the man at a Sunday evening news conference at City Hall. (Touch Me)
You guessed it.  Neither the FBI nor the ATF joined in this merry little adventure because they both said, "we will pass" (Touch Me).  Of course, there would be no reason that NY would want a national story to divert from their current newsworthy situation.

Monday, November 14, 2011

New character for some story that doesn't exist yet

Minimize the dangers.  Maximize my life expectancy.  One can live in a bubble.  A vacuum.  Without as little interaction with anyone on a personal level and still be okay.  Productive.  Normal.  Walking the dog is one of the biggest gap in security.  We walk odd hours.  I don’t sleep too much when everyone else does.  Darkness gives ample opportunity to someone of that ilk, a thief, to try and take me.  My dog is no guard for this kind of scenario.  He’s just a little guy.  His skills lie more in the loud announcement of anyone near the front door.  Or with squeaky brakes.  Outside, I’m exposed.  So, I always carry a sharp blade with me.  I do not expect to be able to do much success with it come hand to hand action but even still it will come in handy.  I can cut Max loose and let him find freedom.  If I were to just drop his leash in the interaction, he would just run in circles away from the attacking machine.  Just quick enough for it to not be able to retract completely.  The guy would surely kill him out of fear of rabies or some other sort of situation that might make a dog go so wild.  He’s just really a scaredy cat.  My little dog.
When I am on the road, my attention transforms.  Hyper aware.  My skills are superb still.  I learned driving on windy country roads clocking in around seventy two while my driver’s education instructor snoozed soundly in the passenger.  Probably figured it would be easier to deal with, a fatal collision is certainly inevitable in all driver’s education instructors careers.  Part of the job description.  Pitfalls.  It’s the other infinite number of maniacs out there that impose impending danger, death knocking at my door, every time I operate heavy machinery.  The standards are still fear inducing actions; makeup applying, cell phone texting, eating a donut, but now, there is so much more to contend with. …I’ve wised up.  Found an old ’83 wood panel station wagon to make my trips around town.  Solid as a rock with no sentimental value attached.  The destruction of its shell would bring no harm to soul.  Certainly not from the same kind of car my father used to smash my fingers in the passenger door.  Told me to move faster than a woman getting out of the car and I wouldn’t have to worry about such bouts of such excruciating life lesson truths.  My mom walked me to the house after.  The station wagon was only good for one trip a day.  Start her up, keeping her running wherever our errands took us, and turned her off for the evening only when we were sure no more need for her was required.  Then, she was down for a solid twelve hours before we could start her again.  What could have been my speedier trip to the emergency room was spent on an afternoon bowling.  Father bowled in his league game.  Mom cheered him on and I stayed in the car to ensure no one stole it while it idled in the parking lot.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dottie O Dottie

It’s time for Two Broke Girls on the old people network.  Why is someone knocking at my door?
“Baby!” She comes in and wraps her meaty arms around my waist.  An ex.  Sort of.  Hasn’t been seen in months but here she is.
“Hi.” I peel her off me.  Look into her face.  No bones protruding.  Skin is all the same color.  No eye bags.  Someone is looking awful clean.
She pushes me back into my apartment just enough so she can use her left combat boot to shut the door behind.
“What’s going on baby.”  We join each other on the couch.  “Oh shit, I love this show.”  She grabs the remote, turns up the TV, and leans in against me.  He in my lap.  And we sit this way, quietly, and watch the entire episode in silence.  Max is up to some hijinx at the diner.  Spills some soup on a customer.  Hilarity ensues.  Quite odd.  The silence in here.  Not the show.  The last time I remember Dottie being this quiet was when she went unconscious when she ran into the facing of the bedroom door.  Bad depth perception.  Her and all the Asian driver’s out there.
“So,” she says sitting up as the credits roll, “you miss me?”
“Sure,” I say.  Don’t give away too much of my hand until Dottie’s motives are revealed.  Weakness means she can still eat me alive.  Which means there is no way she is going to give up a blow job before we fuck.  Cause we most definitely are going to fuck.  Dottie might be a lot of things.  Shit, this visit is almost certainly to do with needing a favor, but Dottie is respectful enough to give me some gorilla style love making before she tries to reach her hand in my pocket.  Take what’s left of my money.
“I’ve missed you,” she kisses me softly on the lips.  “It’s been too long.  Why haven’t you come around?”  She presses her lips back to my face.
“I don’t know where you around is.”
“You’re silly,” she smiles at me.  Nibbles my ear.  Then, with ninja like precision, has my pants undone and her hand inside before my dick can react.  Still just flaccid.  Hiding somewhere in the depths of my boxers.  All turns around the moment Dottie’s skin makes contact.  In hiding to hard as a rock.  She is sucking in an instant but only long enough to give herself some lube.  She jumps on top.  Grabs me by the back of the neck, and goes to work. 
Work is over in an instant.  Not my fault.  It has been since Dottie last visited that I even had a female inside these dingy white walls.   Except my mom.  Once.  Looking for some money.  Seems bingo had tapped her dry that month.  It was worth the cash just to see the look on her face as she had to pretend to still care that I came from inside her.  “I love you” from her mouth seemed as far fetched as “God is good” coming from mine. 
“Are you hungry?”  Dottie cleans me up then disappears into the kitchen.  “Do you think these eggs are still good?”
I peek my head around the kitchen corner.  Dottie digging pans from the cabinets.  Making some after sex food concoction that is sure to taste like shit.  But be awfully thoughtful.
There is most silence again as the food is prepared.  Except the brief, but satisfying second round, where I took control.  Knocked everything off the counter trying to find the perfect spot for Dottie’s ass.  And for our puzzle pieces to fit together without fire shooting up my calves from the strain.
“You make me feel so good,” Dottie stares at me while I eat.  Usually this would make it hard to ditch half my plate in the trash but today, the meal taste pretty decent.
“Let’s run away together.”  The demand.  The offer accompanies desert.  Little Debbies brownie (I’m a simple man.  I do not need exquisite for my sweets).  
“Yeah right, you funding this excursion.”
Dottie fetches her purse and sits down at the table with me.  She pulls out a stack of lottery cards.  And two coins.  “You feeling lucky?”
Well, no.  At least I wasn’t when she first walked in the door but now, after a meal that makes me feel like I need a nap, maybe I am feeling lucky.  I take a quarter and start to scratching.  There are twenty tickets total.  Weekly Grand.  Lucky 7.  The usual.  Nothing.   Nothing.  Nothing until…
“I won!”  I celebrate.  I pause.  “I mean, we won.”   Dottie takes the cue and begins to dance with me.  Around the table.  Around the kitchen. 
“How much?” 
I stop twirling Dottie.  Review the ticket.  “Oh snaps,” excitement takes my vernacular to weird places, “ten thousand dollars.”  We restart our dance.  It leads to the bedroom where we dance like one would do in the bedroom.  And moan.
“You ready to go get your winnings?”  Dottie has re-dressed while in the bathroom.  I’m still trying to clean myself off.
  Always a line.  If government is involved there is no way around it.  Put me behind the counter and give me a bonus for keeping the line under 30 minutes and things would run so much more smoothly.  But, I would assume the same could be said for the run down mothers and house ladies working behind the counter at the state office.  Give a little encouragement and people will die for you.  Well, your money but that’s still something.
“I’m not feeling too good.”
“What do you mean lovely?”  I turn to Dottie.  She gives me the long eyes of agony.  “Well, shit we are almost up to the front.”
“I trust you.  Just, if you get done before I get back,” she says as she hustles away, hand over her mouth trying to hold her insides at bay, “don’t leave just wait for me.”
She disappears into the bathroom.  That seems like an awful strange thing to say.  Right now.  What, does she think I would cash out like that.  If I wanted to get rid of her, all I’d have to do is say. 
A blue trench coat hides an old man inside.  He steps up.
Another worker has stepped to the counter.  Guess I’m doing this one alone.
“I believe we won.”  I hand over the winning ticket.  Winning the lottery.  Always dreamed but never thought this kind of “thing is real.”
She looks up at me as the last three words come out of my mouth.  Instead of just hiding inside my mind.
“I mean, this is crazy that I actually won.”  She looks back down at her computer.  Begins to bang away.  “It’s not millions but you have no idea how this will help me.”
The employee, her name tag says Demona, spins her chair away from me.  Takes my ticket and heads into the back.  Maybe I get a little celebration balloon or some sort of congratulations from a middle manager.  Like the restaurant manager that hands me my coupon for a free dessert on my next visit.  I lean my elbow on the counter.  Look back over the growing wait line.  I shrug.
“Winning.”  Is all I can think to say. 
My attention returns to the inner workings of the government facility.  Demona exits a room from the back.  Steps aside.  Gives room for a man in a dark suit who power walks out a side door.  Walks around from behind out front.  Finds himself leaning in.  Talking to the security guard sitting out on a bench in the lobby.  They both look towards the line.  The security guard pulls a walkie from his hip and begins to say something to someone on the other end.  I wish they would just hurry up and  give me my money and deal with this situation later.  And how long is Dottie going to be in the bathroom?
Dottie meets the two men at the employee door.  Let’s everyone in the back.  All three in lock step make a bee line towards me.
“Sir, can you step over here and come with me?”
“How was I suppose to know it was fake?  I didn’t do it.  If you will just ask my girlfriend, she will tell you.  She is in the bathroom.”
“Sir, there is no one in the women’s bathroom,” Demona says to me, “Do you think maybe she went into the men’s?”
Everyone laughs without me.  I seem to be on the outside of what is going on.  The laughing stops. 
“You know what this means don’t you sir?”
I do.  Certainly not the first time I’ve been down this road with Dottie.  The time I caught a drunk driving charge while you she was behind the wheel as we clipped half a neighborhood worth of mailboxes.  Getting detained before a Cowboys game even kicked off.  Locked up in the stadium’s holding tank. 

Russian Police find 29 bodies in Historians home

Now that is a headline.  Much better than the one two paces up that says, "KD Lang thinks Justin Bieber looks just like a lesbian".  Yeah, so has everyone else that says things in front of microphones and cameras.  It's not news coming from KD.  It's not news at all.  No one should have wasted one moment of their time writing that headline, much less the article (says the man who is now writing about the article.  Maybe they just do this sometimes to make me angry.  They figure out what are your "buttons" to push and on each computer, while innocent people surf the world wide at 11 am preparing to start work, the man is inserting special news stories on popular sites that will send the reader, the one that this article has been personalized for, into a crazy fit of lunacy.  Then they can swoop them up and put them in institutions for their own "good" only never to be seen from again).  Anywho, some historian in Russia dug up a bunch of bodies (Touch Me) and dressed them up all pretty and did something with them for some reason.  That will be a question never to be answered.  Ah, humans.  We are special.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

my favorite industry in the whole wide

I do love the pharmaceutical industry so very much.  They have taken buy offs and skulduggery to unimaginable heights. That is a compliment, no doubt.  I mean, it is not something my insides could allow me to handle.  Things like topping traffic-related deaths in the U.S. (Touch Me) is some kind of accomplishment.  At least, if that is your thing.  Though, that is small potatoes (at least in the grand scheme of things.  It is way too easy to keep something legal that kills scores of people; alcohol and tobacco continues to a shining example of such activities) compared to the plan they have in the works now (Touch Me).  Banning vitamins?  Come on, how can that be.  They are vitamins.  A lady asked the other day if her child might die from a vitamin overdose.  Vitamins!  Yeah, the ones we used to eat with Flinstones on them.  Like candy.  Just like candy cause they were candy.  Vitamins.  I just don't understand things anymore.   At least senator Durbin had the good sense to only take 300,000 dollars from the health lobby (Touch Me).  Better than say our commander in chief (Touch Me).  You've got to get your campaign dollars from somewhere of course, I just tend to think health care political influence is the lowest of the low level capital gain thing one can do.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Drug hallucinations look real in the brain

University of Rio Grande de Norte- The visions induced by an Amazonian brew used by shamans may be as real as anything the eyes actually see, according to brain scans of frequent users of the drug...Volunteers looked at images of people or animals while their brains were scanned...then the volunteers closed their eyes and they imagined they were still viewing the image...when the team then gave the volunteers a dose of ayahuasca and repeated the experiment, they found the level of activity in the primary visual cortex was virtually indistinguishable when the volunteers were really viewing an image and when they were imaging it.

Sharpie Advertises Subliminal Message

Certainly, subliminal messages have been the go to move for advertisements since inception.  I can even say that subliminal messages are better than changing an tv show to advertise for the newest studio craptastic movie (Touch Me).  Still Sharpie, this seems like an awful strange way to put in your two cents while citizens across the world have found that the only way to stop the bleeding is to be visible in public and share their piece of mind.