Friday, March 11, 2011

Whore clothes and skethy parts of town

The New York Times is drawing fire for a story about the alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old girl that critics say blames the victim for the assault. (See the paper's response below.)
The story, which was published on Tuesday, described a horrific event: a group of 18 men and teenage boys raping the girl in an abandoned trailer home in Cleveland, Texas.
But critics pointed to a section where the reporter, James C. McKinley, wrote about what residents were saying about the victim:
Residents in the neighborhood where the abandoned trailer stands -- known as the Quarters -- said the victim had been visiting various friends there for months. They said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s. She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground, some said.
"Where was her mother? What was her mother thinking?" said Ms. [Sheila] Harrison, one of a handful of neighbors who would speak on the record. "How can you have an 11-year-old child missing down in the Quarters?"
How do you talk about this?  Such a horrible scene on every end of the spectrum but how does one talk about the other half of the story that involves an 11-year old girl?  Do questions like her attire or location bare out any piece of important info to the situation?  How about her lack of parental supervision?  Relevance.  What is and what isn’t.  Regardless of our own moral feelings, should a news story not be fully providing all information in regards to any situation that it reports on.  Age is no longer a the sole determining factor in the observation of a situation.  Some argue that by 11, a child should be locked up for life if they do something they call “heinous” enough.  Should it not also reason out that just because we have created a world of repressive sexual desires doesn’t mean that has to be something that should roll over and be acceptable for children of any age (looking at you Toddlers and Tiara’s and oh man, one of these days me and you are going to have a word assassination).  The girl should not have been raped.  The girl also should not have been wandering in a sketchy place with whore clothes on without a parent.  Well, the parent thing is actually irrelevant in this case as how about we keep kids out of shitty parts of town that they might get raped by 11 dudes.  And keep me out too.     

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