Fionas Gone

Synopsis: Andy meets with his ex Fiona to discuss the truth about their son.  The visit ends with Fiona lying dead on Andy’s floor.  Due to the unfortunate circumstances, Andy decides that even though innocent, he must go on the run.  Just as Andy is closing in on freedom across the border, Fiona’s step father Chuck hunts him down and proceeds to go to extreme measures to find out what Andy knows.  Andy narrowly escapes Chuck but is immediately forced into an impending moral dilemma that is more important than even his own personal freedom.

If you are interested in reading the script, please feel free to message me and I will start you off with the first 10 pages to get you hooked.  Like a dealer.  A dealer of magic screenplays. (Nevermind, I'll give you the first five).


               A few breakfast patrons sit scattered throughout a little
               country cafe. 

               A police officer, OFFICER, sits alone at a table in the
               corner finishing his eggs and toast.  He takes one quick swig
               of water as he stands from his chair.  The officer grabs his
               coffee cup and wanders over to a stack of plastic cups beside
               the soda dispenser.  He dumps the contents of his cup into
               the plastic variety.  He grabs a straw and sips.  On the way
               out of the cafe, he winks towards the cashier and tips his

               The cashier waves back.


               OFFICER meanders towards his police vehicle.  He sips from
               his cup as he goes. 

               Occasionally, on the road in front of the cafe, a car drives

               OFFICER pauses for a moment beside his car and watches the
               road.  After a few vehicles pass, he disappears inside his

               INT. POLICE CAR

               OFFICER sits down inside.  He reaches back on the roof and
               grab his plastic cup.  After, he shuts himself in. 

               With the keys in the ignition, the radio kicks on.  OFFICER
               begins to bob his head and turns the song up and sings the
               chorus.  Once the chorus is over, he turns the song back
               down.  He puts the car into drive and turns onto the road.

               OFFICER opens his cell phone and places a call. 

                         Is he around?  Yep...

               OFFICER tries to pass a Volvo but another car approaches from
               the opposite lane.  After the car passes, he tries again.  As
               seen on the radar detector, The Volvo continues to reduce

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)
                         Needing to verify the contents of
                         the special item. 

               OFFICER flips on his lights and siren.  The Volvo pulls over
               to the side of the road.  As soon as the Officer passes, he
               turns the siren off. 

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)
                         Just one second sir,  I did not
                         know you would be so fast...
                         Definitely blue.  Definitely one of
                         those shitty Cruisers. 

               OFFICER jerks his car around a Ford and jerks just as quickly
               back in front of them right in behind a blue PT Cruiser.

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)
                             (cranes neck)
                         No, I only see one from here... I
                         don't know...  It's hard to search
                         the car going seventy...No sir.
                         Sorry sir, I'll call you back when
                         I know.

               In one movement, OFFICER flips his phone closed and flips on
               the police lights.  The blue Cruiser slows down and pulls to
               the side of the road.

               EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - MORNING

               Both cars roll to a stop.  OFFICER climbs out of his car.  He
               walks to the back of his car stepping out of the shade from
               an oak tree on the side of the road and into the sunshine.
               He rubs the car's trunk softly. 

               OFFICER walks up to the side of the Cruiser and taps on the
               driver side window.  A man in his late twenties, JIMMY, sits
               with his hands at ten and two.


               OFFICER nods towards the left.  JIMMY rolls his window down.

                         Officer, do you...

                         Move up.

               OFFICER points forward.  JIMMY faces the windshield and lets
               the car roll forward.  OFFICER holds his arm and walks with
               the car.  When he is satisfied, The Officer pats the hood of
               the Cruiser.  The car stops.  He walks back to the driver
               side window.

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)

               JIMMY turns off the car and hands the keys out of his window.

               OFFICER glances in the backseat.  A man in his early
               thirties, ANDY, sleeps under a blanket.

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)

               OFFICER motions to the sky with his thumb. 

                         Officer, I know...

               OFFICER puts his hand on the grip of his gun.  JIMMY stares
               at OFFICER'S hand and slowly rolls up the window.

               OFFICER meanders back to his car.  He climbs inside.

               INT. POLICE CAR

               OFFICER puts the car into N and lets it slowly roll forward
               until the entire car is covered with shade.  He puts the car
               back into P and the car jerks to a stop.

               EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - MORNING

               OFFICER steps out of his car and walks around to the
               passenger side towards the tree.  He pulls out his cell and
               flips it open.  As he talks, he pees.

                         Not him driving but I think your
                         guy is in the backseat...nope not
                         the trunk.  Figured if something
                         was back there and I find it,
                         that's the paperwork we are trying
                         to avoid.  Of course sir.  I'll be
                         here until he arrives.

               OFFICER shakes himself out and zips up.  He puts his phone
               back in his shirt pocket and wanders back to the driver's
               side of the Cruiser.  He dangles JIMMY's keys on the end of
               his finger.  Slowly, he tips his finger forward and lets the
               keys fall to the ground.  OFFICER wanders back towards his
               car.  Upon hearing JIMMY's car door open, he spins around
               fires a shot at JIMMY.

                                   OFFICER (CONT'D)
                         Stay in the car.

               JIMMY leaves the keys on the ground and pulls himself back
               into the car and shuts the door.

               OFFICER walks around to the passenger side of the car and
               fires a round into the front tire.  The car jerks down and to
               the right.  OFFICER returns to his car.

               INT. POLICE CAR

               OFFICER sticks his keys in the ignition.  The radio sings.
               He leans up and turns the volume up.  He rolls down his
               window and dangles his feet outside.


               Two young teenagers, ANDY and FIONA, sit at a corner table
               overlooking Mexico from the American side.  ANDY switches his
               attention from a math textbook and a spiral that he uses to
               work out problems.  FIONA reads a magazine. 

                         It was awful nice of your family to
                         bring me along.

               FIONA flips a page in her magazine.

                                   ANDY (CONT'D)
                         Your dad seems like he is just the
                         nicest guy in the world.

                         If you scratch his back, he will
                         yours just don't get on his other
                         side or he might end up hunting you
                         down like a dog.

               ANDY stops writing and scoots his chair just a little closer
               to FIONA.

                         Just as long as I am on your good

               FIONA briefly looks up from her magazine, gives a brief
               smile, then goes back to reading.

                                   ANDY (CONT'D)
                         I'm serious.  Whatever you need, no
                         matter when it is or how old we
                         are, I'm there for you.  I'm your

               FIONA slides ANDY's spiral closer and inspects his work.  She
               grabs his pencil and makes a correction or two.

                         How about we keep our concentration
                         on our homework right now.

               ANDY scoots his chair away and goes back to work.  FIONA
               reaches out and puts her hand on ANDY's arm without looking
               up from her magazine.

                                   FIONA (CONT'D)
                         Thank you though.  I'll keep your
                         offer in mind.

               ANDY smiles from ear to ear.

               INT. ANDY'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM

               FIONA lays on the floor.  A pool of blood collects behind her
               head.  ANDY holds a gun in his hands and stares blankly at
               it.  Music plays softly from somewhere at the back of the

               Footsteps are heard coming from a back room.  JIMMY runs in,
               stopping when he sees the situation.

                         Andy...Andy, my God! 

               ANDY smears blood over the gun as he caresses the barrel. 

                         Now I know.

               JIMMY kneels down beside FIONA.  He tries to inspect her but
               recoils and dashes to a trash can to vomit.

                         We've got to go to a hospital,
                         right? Do something.

               ANDY continues to caress the gun.  JIMMY slowly slides the
               gun out of ANDY's hands and sits it on the entertainment