Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sorry I've been Gone

Sorry for the lack of updates.  I have been trying to get Fiona's Gone ready to send to Sundance in hopes of the screenwriters lab.  So, now that it is ready to send, here is half of the package.  Fiona's Gone in a one page.  Part two will be the first five pages of the script which will be up in a few days here as well.  In the meanwhile...

Two young teenagers, Andy and Fiona, sit in a little café just this side of Mexico discussing their future.  Andy vows to always be the one Fiona can turn to.  Decades later, Fiona lies on Andy’s living room floor dying.  Andy stands over her with a gun in his hand.

As a man in his twenties, Andy is bailed out of jail by an old acquaintance and local politician named Chuck.  Andy is unappreciative.   Andy spends the next few months falling apart as Fiona continues to keep him from seeing their son.

Fiona is harassed by a drunk or horny guy at every table she waits on.  At home, Fiona’s mom complains about raising Fiona’s son without the help of either of his parents.  As their son closes in on his second birthday, Fiona decides to stop avoiding Andy.  She visits Andy to talk about their arrangement but ends up dead on his living room floor.

Chuck’s police captain asks him to use his personal relationship with a teenage Andy to get him to roll over on his next in line and in return, will receive a major step up the political ladder.  Now thirty, Andy stands naked in an oil drum as Chuck tortures him shaking a manila envelope and asking questions. 
Andy walks out of an argument with his wife to visit Fiona.  Fiona tells Andy she is pregnant but is not a fan of the father.  Andy volunteers to be a stand in dad.  Fiona accepts his offer for the paperwork but tells Andy that she will be raising the child alone.  Andy tries to explain all this to his wife but she leaves him.

Jimmy scoops Fiona off the living room floor and sticks her in a car.  Andy jumps in the driver’s side but instead of going to the hospital to try to save Fiona, Andy takes a detour to a friend’s house.  At gunpoint, Andy forces Jimmy to bury Fiona in the woods.  Andy keeps Jimmy hostage as he goes on the run.
Chuck begs his step-daughter, Fiona, for forgiveness.  Fiona says she will but reminds Chuck that she can take down his political career with the truth she keeps in a manila envelope.  Chuck comes home late one evening to his wife panicked that Fiona has not come home for days.  Chuck goes to Andy’s house, Fiona’s last known location, but only finds blood in his living room floor.  Chuck calls in a favor to an old friend near the border as he sets out to track down Andy.   

Jimmy and Andy have been pulled over.  Chuck arrives to take possession of the two and drives everyone to an abandoned mobile home.  Jimmy is shot upon arrival.  Inside, Chuck tortures Andy for Fiona’s location and to sign over the life insurance policy.  A pair of men sent from the local sheriff office stand guard outside but when Chuck electrocutes Andy, they step in.  During the distraction, Andy is able to slip away.  He begins the drive the last few miles to the border but stops short in order to turn around and save Jimmy.  At the hospital, Andy turns himself in for the murder of Fiona.

Chuck comes home completely loaded and has sex with Fiona.  A doctor informs Fiona that she is pregnant and that she has cancer.  Fiona walks into Andy’s living room, hands him a manila envelope with the identity of her baby’s father and a life insurance policy for her son, and shoots herself.   Andy stands stunned for a moment before picking up the gun off the floor as Jimmy runs into the room.

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