Thursday, September 29, 2011

Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan

I work very hard to try and expand and learn about all things as much as I possibly can.  Graham Hancock takes his own energy trying to learn how us as people developed into the people we are now.  He decides to write a book about underwater structures so he spends 2 years and 50 dives seeing all kinds of underground structures. That is the dream.  Hands-on takes learning  to another level.  I can't wait to be able to follow in footsteps like Graham.  Listen and learn.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Random Sundays

Just a nice little recap of the crazy week that was.
Let's just go favorite first. (Touch Me) I wish I could explain this with some for of reasonable explanation but I just can't so...this video reads your brain waves and shows how your brain is taking in the image. I think. Maybe. Just watch it.

This place is called Gobekli Tepe and it might be the oldest temple (that we know about of course. Just wait for the Graham Hancock stuff later).  The location is said to be around 11,000 years old predating Stonehenge by almost double its age.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Suicide by Roller Coaster

Want to enjoy the ride of your life along with the last ride of your life?  That's what Julijionas Urbonas envisions with his Euthanasia Coaster.  The three minute ride involves a long, slow, climb that lifts one up to a height of more than 1,600 feet, followed by a massive fall and seven strategically sized and placed loops.  The final descent and series of loops take all of one minute but the gravitational force, some 10 G's, from the spinning loops at 223 mph in that single minute is lethal.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Former NASA Employee Claims Alien Moon Cities Exist

Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department Manager (good luck getting that on a business card) Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Lab during the Apollo missions has been fired.  Why?  He says that there are alien moon cities.  
I know we all want to make a name for ourselves in this world. Maybe live on an additional fifty, maybe a hundred years in the folklore of history. Maybe this guy is telling the truth. Maybe he is just a fame hog. Who really knows anymore anyhow. With all our info and data, we are now less likely to know the truth than when we were using Britanica encyclopedias for all of our worldly info.   

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The AntiMagnet

Barcelona- Researchers at the University of Barcelona have obtained a formula for building an "Antimagnet" that can nullify a magnetic field.  The real world application will make it possible for people with pacemakers to undergo magnetic resonances and to control the magnetic fields of technological devices.  
Not really sure what I need to know this for but it sounds awful cool.  I do love me magnets.  I've even seen a car engine run off of opposing magnets (it was amazing but alas, you know we can never have it).
It's got eyes, scary eyes

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lots of Lots

Here you go. One big dump of fun for you to sink your teeth into. Enjoy!

Starting with a documentary about the business of AIDS.  I know, fun times indeed.  I have not seen the doc cause well, I don't know people who know people but I'm interested to see how this plays or even if anyone knows it exists.  Much like with the history of AIDS.  (Obviously people know there is a history cause all things have history but they don't know the history of the disease is what I am saying.  Jeez, with the questions. (Touch Me)

Some people openly wonder why we have spent the last half century exploring the cosmos when there is a vast array of just about everything underneath the water on our own planet (there's your shout out Andrew).  The underwater structures of Yonaguni present just the kind of thing that makes underwater exploration so tantalizing.  If this is a man made structure, then we should consider the possibility that Graham Hancock preaches regarding previous evolutions of man (yea, plural.  4 to be exact.  We are the fifth) is a real notion (btw, Graham Hancock will be on the Joe Rogan podcast in a week or two which is a must hear. More on the podcast later as well).  So maybe if we start just exploring where coastal lines were previous to the last ice age then we might begin to find numerous structures like this off the coast of Japan.   (Touch Me)

For my pops who swears by the magical applications of holograms. France is testing hologram boarding agents at its Orly airport. Good for futuristic dreamers.  Bad for people who like to yell at attendants to make themselves feel better (sorry Nina at Southwestern.  I know you will never be able forget what you saw there that day but maybe one day, it will subside to the dark corners of your memory.) (Touch Me)

We all know that people can control the weather (World Cup 2020 Quatar anyone) so this should come as old news but still good info.  The University of Geneva has begun testing what they call laser-assisted water condensation to make it rain so to speak.  The first tests produced water droplets in the air but did not cause major flooding in ten states like that old bag Mother Nature can do but it is a start.  (Touch Me)

I'm not here saying I can completely explain my belief in string theory but it has always seemed to give some sort of probable explanation to the world and our interactions and connections within it.  But of course, the fucking europeans (yeah little e) spoil my knowns again.  Seems as though part of the basis for superstring theory is that all normal particles actually have supersymmetric cousins called sparticles that are slightly different than the original particle.  Apparently, sparticles don't actually exist so...back to the drawing board. (Touch Me)

I love me a good religious story as well.  In Tel Aviv, a 2,000 year old burial box could reveal the location of the family of Caiaphas, the high priest involved in the crucifixion (see murder) of Jesus.  It's a great story if nothing else (you decide what story that is). (Touch Me)