Thursday, June 30, 2011

Military Dolphins: James Bond of the Sea

Ocean Floor- It was 1973 when one particular plot to assassinate the President of the United States was thwarted. Dolphins, secretly trained for rudimentary communication with humans, had been fitted with harnesses to hold a magnetic limpet mine, which was to be attached to the hull of the President's yacht. It was the first time the public became aware that dolphins were employed in this manner by the U.S. military.
When the dolphins take over...

Monday, June 27, 2011

California ban on sale of 'violent' video games to children rejected

Washington DC- he Supreme Court has struck down a California law that would have banned selling "violent" video games to children, a case balancing free speech rights with consumer protection.  The 7-2 ruling Monday is a victory for video game makers and sellers, who said the ban -- which had yet to go into effect -- would extend too far. They say the existing nationwide, industry-imposed, voluntary rating system is an adequate screen for parents to judge...

Porn loses Again 

Sweetener Leaves Environmental Aftertaste

Mother Nature- Sucralose, the artificial sweetener in Splenda, is one tough molecule.  The chemical passes right through the body, then through sewage treatment systems and out into surface and ground waters looking the same as it did when it was stirred into a cup of coffee.  No one knows how the ever-greater amounts of sucralose release into the environment affect the ecosystem. But research published in Environmental Engineering Science shows that the artificial sweetener is indeed making it through traditional water filtering systems.
At least we found something indestructable
(Touch Me)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Texas is One Vote From Approving Confederate Flag License Plates

Houston- While New York state was whipped into a frenzy being just one vote shy of passing the Marriage Equality Act, the state of Texas finds itself in a similar limbo over whether or not to approve a confederate flag license plate, the Houston Chronicle reports. The Department of Motor Vehicles is just one vote short of granting approval of the specialty plate to the local division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Making a comeback, always "misunderstood" 

I'm back

Been on sad hiatus.  Am happy again.  So, here we go.

Monday, June 6, 2011

We Can Time Travel Kind of Maybe

The first desktop model of the Big Bang reportedly showed why time travel doesn’t work. But a new look suggests time travel may be possible after all, at least on the lab bench.
Electrical engineers Igor Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung of the University of Maryland announced in April that their model Big Bang — made from metamaterials that move light just as particles move through mathematical representations of space and time — suggested time travel’s impossibility.
Light couldn’t be steered in a circle, they said. Therefore particles couldn’t loop back to the space-time point where they began. So much for time travel.
But physicist Ulf Leonhardt of the University of St Andrews in Scotland disagrees. “They considered the wrong polarization,” he said. “Making a loop in space is perfectly possible in their model. Therefore, for this model, time travel is possible.”